Just over a year ago, I was struggling to find a resource that I could share with church families on the fifth anniversary of 9-11. Especially on that day, when many families just want to be together and not necessarily try to attend another worship service, I was looking for a devotional that families could use in their homes and adapt for their own needs. Finding nothing of what I was looking for, I decided to write something and at least be able to use it with my congregation and share it with friends and family. After a few emails and phone calls, the General Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church was gracious enough to publish it last year on their website.
This year, GBOD updated it and again made it readily available on their website. I shared it with some church families this year, and will use it with my family as well.
This afternoon I received a call on my cell phone. A gentleman from accross the country had tracked me down and wanted to just say, 'Thank you' for the 9-11 resource that I had written. I was stunned that a perfect stranger would take the time to track me down and reach me to share a personal thank you. After the phone call, I looked toward the sky, tears in my eyes and thanked God that something I did had meant something to someone else. That thank you was an immeasurable blessing; so unexpected and so appreciated. I thank God for the gifts that allow me to be in ministry, but most of all I am reminded how much a 'Thank you' can mean.
If you would like to use the devotional for your family, please click on the link below. May God be with you, and may you be blessed in the giving and receiving of thanks.
9-11 Family Devotional
Lifting up some history
2 days ago
1 comment:
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