But what was most interesting to me was not the fashion or clothes, but the attitudes of the people on the shows. The first of the Project Runway finalists to be 'out' after the shows at Bryant park was a young woman, Kenley who had quite an attitude throughout the season. Her critical and cutting comments of the other designers and judges finally caught up with her despite her designs.
On Tim Gunn's show their latest client was a 'tough nut to crack' with her attitudes and resistence to advice and help that was only trying to help her look and feel better. Eventually though Ali has the breakthrough she needs to listen to and work with Tim and Gretta.
No matter what we do, all of us are open to criticism at some point. Often the criticism we hear most is from the people close to us who may know us well, but may not be 'experts' in the areas they are being critical of.
That said...why, if you've volunteered to participate in either one of these two shows, would you challenge judges or leaders in the industry and think that you know better? I guess it makes for good TV.
Thankfully for Ali, she appeared to have a breakthrough and realize that her self-worth did not rest in designer labels, but in her acceptance of self. It may be superficial for now, but I hope it can become an entry point for finding the sacred self, and the temple of God that is inside of her.
I've had several revelations myself this week, but if I were lucky enough to have Tim Gunn take me shopping...I'd sure listen and be grateful for the help!