I heard this story on NPR this evening on my way to pick up my kids from school. Interesting how the McCain supporters were portrayed as angry and scared. From the one gentleman who did express his anger I would agree with the piece, but I actually watched part of the town hall meeting and that was not the overwhelming attitude I saw there. People were asking about many of the issues that were affecting them...jobs, health care, the environment, the economy, fuel prices and dependency. Sounds like what most all people are concerned about...democrat or republican. So why are people so passionately attacking one another on both sides of the political machine? Yes people disagree about what to do about those issues and how to approach them. But really...is it worth getting that upset and emotional about? Really?
Again I'm amazed at how wrapped up people are in this. But then I was there once too. I used to have an appetite for politics. I used to watch much more news and political spinning as if it were a sport. I used to enjoy the banter, the clever quips, the 'in-depth' analysis.
But I don't anymore. My heart has changed...actually it is the Spirit that has taken over my spirit not my heart. I get emotional now about my walk with Christ...sounds silly to many I know, but it's true. I'm passionate about following Jesus, not the news. I get upset about issues of injustice I see during the day in my own community, or the ways I see people treating one another around me. I have little appetite for news, political bantering (which is mostly negative and attacking), and much of what goes on in the world. I'm not becoming a hermit, but I am reducing the 'distractions' and the 'noise' so that I can do whatever Christ asks me to do at every turn. I'm seeing the idolatry and greed and selfishness around me with new eyes. And I care much less now about what the world seems to care about...money, political leaders, entertainment, self.
What if more people were as passionate about Christ as they are about 'their' political candidate or party? What if people spread emails about God as much as they did about their politics? What if more people cared more about Christ than anything else in their lives?
I'm sure a good majority of voters consider themselves believers of some sort and many of them claim to be Christian. But if that's the case, where does it show up in their words and their actions? Are Christians supposed talk that way? (The answer is no.) Are Christians supposed to act that way? (Again, no.)
I'll be voting come November, but not because I'm such a staunch party supporter...I'll vote for a host of other reasons including my heritage, my legacy, and my faith in the only leader of my world...Christ.
So...either I've really changed, or I'm just plain getting old. Probably both!
Lifting up some history
2 days ago
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