It really is time to start paying attention to presidential candidates and their campaigns if you haven't already. Though many will wait until after the primaries to even start looking at a candidate, now is a better time to start reading, watching and listening. The buzz recently has been candidates' marriages. Rudy Giuliani loses in that category. But is a successful marriage a sign of a successful president? Maybe not, but ethics are. So start watching now to see what each candidate's campaign is saying and see if it runs true throughout the campaign. See if the campaigns are positive and encouraging or negative and attacking. Do we really need another president who allows attack ads or tries to get votes using fear? I don't care who you like or dislike in the field of candidates. But I do care that you vote...hopefully making an informed vote. I know you don't feel like you have the time to track all of the candidates...no one does with so many already in or considering a run. But make it easy on yourself and subscribe to some candidates websites or check out some reputable news organizations that are tracking each candidate. And start watching the debates!
Just for fun, try the website below to see which candidate matches with the issues most important to you!
Just for fun, try the website below to see which candidate matches with the issues most important to you!
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