The new movie, Evan Almighty, is completely refreshing for what it lacks – profanity, violence and sexual content. Aside from being funny, it brings to life an image of a God (played by Morgan Freeman) who is loving, purposeful, and playful.
Steve Carrel plays Evan Baxter, a TV anchor turned Congressman who won the seat with his campaign slogan to change the world. So the freshman congressman from Buffalo moves his wife and three sons to a huge new home in a prestigious new development in Virginia, just outside Washington DC. With a little encouragement from his wife Joan (played by Lauren Graham) Evan asks for God’s help in fulfilling his campaign promise as he begins his new job. What Evan does not know is that the new home, the new hummer, the big new office are all part of Congressman Long’s (played by John Goodman) plan to get Evan on board to help pass a new bill that would allow residential development on National Park lands.
Before Evan even has a chance to get settled at home or work, a box of strange tools and a load of gopher wood appear at his door. “Gen 6 14” seems to pop up everywhere Evan looks and soon God also makes an appearance to let Evan in on his plan to build an ark. When Evan protests, “This isn’t part of my plan here!” God just laughs and animals of all kinds begin following Evan two by two.
Confused by his reckless purchase property, the construction of a strange boat and the change in his appearance Evan’s wife finally has enough of his ‘mid-life crisis,’ packs up the boys and leaves. Realizing there is little else he can do, Evan throws himself into building the ark while also learning from God that the small acts of random kindness are just as important as the big ones in changing the world.
This enjoyable family film helps us remember how important the practice of kindness is – even kindness towards those who appear to lack ethics. In the Bible, while talking about loving one’s enemies, Jesus relates the golden rule, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). But this movie is not just about kindness. It is also about relying on God’s plan to change the world in big and dramatic ways through God’s people.
Go see this film with your family, friends, or youth group. And don’t miss the great lines delivered by Wanda Sykes who plays Rita, and all the animal antics that provide one laugh after another.
Once you’ve seen the film be sure to check out http://www.arkalmighty.com/ to find out about a great way you and your church can get involved in a “Craig’s list” type of kindness program. Organize your own program or find out how to start by using the resources provided through the website.
Steve Carrel plays Evan Baxter, a TV anchor turned Congressman who won the seat with his campaign slogan to change the world. So the freshman congressman from Buffalo moves his wife and three sons to a huge new home in a prestigious new development in Virginia, just outside Washington DC. With a little encouragement from his wife Joan (played by Lauren Graham) Evan asks for God’s help in fulfilling his campaign promise as he begins his new job. What Evan does not know is that the new home, the new hummer, the big new office are all part of Congressman Long’s (played by John Goodman) plan to get Evan on board to help pass a new bill that would allow residential development on National Park lands.
Before Evan even has a chance to get settled at home or work, a box of strange tools and a load of gopher wood appear at his door. “Gen 6 14” seems to pop up everywhere Evan looks and soon God also makes an appearance to let Evan in on his plan to build an ark. When Evan protests, “This isn’t part of my plan here!” God just laughs and animals of all kinds begin following Evan two by two.
Confused by his reckless purchase property, the construction of a strange boat and the change in his appearance Evan’s wife finally has enough of his ‘mid-life crisis,’ packs up the boys and leaves. Realizing there is little else he can do, Evan throws himself into building the ark while also learning from God that the small acts of random kindness are just as important as the big ones in changing the world.
This enjoyable family film helps us remember how important the practice of kindness is – even kindness towards those who appear to lack ethics. In the Bible, while talking about loving one’s enemies, Jesus relates the golden rule, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). But this movie is not just about kindness. It is also about relying on God’s plan to change the world in big and dramatic ways through God’s people.
Go see this film with your family, friends, or youth group. And don’t miss the great lines delivered by Wanda Sykes who plays Rita, and all the animal antics that provide one laugh after another.
Once you’ve seen the film be sure to check out http://www.arkalmighty.com/ to find out about a great way you and your church can get involved in a “Craig’s list” type of kindness program. Organize your own program or find out how to start by using the resources provided through the website.
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