Many Christians have no idea what to think about or how to deal with people who are gay, lesbian or bisexual. In fact, rather than deal with the issue and 'those people' most churches and church leaders shy away from the issue completely assuming that it doesn't really affect their congregation anyway. But from this Youth Workers perspective (an many, many others) it is an issue that permeates youth ministries across the country, and so also is an issue in all of our churches. For some wonderful teaching and dialogue about this issue, please see Andrew Marin's website.
No matter what church or synagogue you attend, visit, or belong to I can guarantee that there are youth, young adults, parents and grandparents who are dealing with this issue in some way shape or form. If you think it does not exist where you are...you are in denial. In over 15 years of youth ministry, I have learned so much about gay, lesbian, bisexual and sexually curious young people. And from experience, I can tell you that most of them who have 'come out' in their youth groups or churches have felt just the opposite of the love of Christ. They have felt the condemnation, judgment and anger from the very people who they thought were supposed to love them based on the teachings of Jesus.
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