I won't go into detail about any of the situations or people I've spent time with this week, but here are some things God put on my heart this week.
Sunday - Some people are in so much pain (even if well hidden) that they don't realize they are being judgmental, vindictive or mean. God does a pretty good job convicting (and forgiving) me of my sins (which are many) and I really don't need other folks to point those out to me. But for whatever reason, some people still feel compelled to do just that. Does it hurt?...of course it does. And it makes me sad and disappointed, but God has continued to comfort and remind me that reconciliation is His, not mine and that it will come in His time, not mine.
Monday - I often resent my schedule and think my family does too. But sometimes my kids teach me how to make the best of things. Instead of complaining, being resentful, or upset about a change in schedule...they took it in stride and made it fun. Their spirit is infectious and I have to admit I enjoyed our little 'detour' as well. What a blessing children are in life...hopefully later on they won't resent my work, but I trust God to help with that too.
Tuesday - Never, ever understimate the power of sharing and prayer. Most people we know are walking around with very heavy burdens, but you would never know it. But when those burdens are shared in Christian community so many blessings emerge. God reminded me to always show mercy...no matter what people show on the 'outside' there may be a lot of brokeness on the inside...and "mercy always triumphs over judgment." (James 2:13) God also reminded me that through the power of the Holy Spirit I have the gifts of compassion and prayer. And Tuesday night, that was exactly what we needed to be about. Finally, God reminded me that even if I'm not called to help everyone, or be in mission with every type of situation or person, I am still called to be aware of all kinds of suffering and to help others discern what their God-given gifts and mission are.
Wednesday - God provided another dose of joy in the midst of teaching. In the middle of a stressful and overwhelming week, I had the presence of mind to let the Holy Spirit take over and provide the words and direction so that a group of students could experience the mystery of Scripture, the enormity and infinity of God, and the power of reliance on the Holy Spirit. No matter what doubts other people try to plant in me about my abilities or credibility, God continues to use me to teach effectively about God's Word.
Thursday - Suffering is great, but God is good when we wait on God. Following Jesus does not make life easy...usually just the opposite, but Jesus said, "I will be with you even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28) Turning our lives to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit does not mean that we will be liked or blessed in the ways we think here on earth. It often leads to more persecution and judgement from those who do not know Him. That is a hard thing to share with people who are suffering and just want God to make it all better. I don't have the power to change people's hearts, but God does. Yet that doesn't relieve me of the responsibility to pray for and be a reflection of Christ for others.
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