Youth Specialties recently published the book, Barack Obama: An American Story and is now taking hits from people all across the religious and political spectrum for publishing it. Interestingly enough, none of the people attacking or applauding YS has even read the book yet. I have 5 copies on order and am waiting to read and discuss it with my student leaders. Honestly...what have we as a society come to that we attack first, reflect/read later? This is a non-issue that some folks want to make into an issue because emotions are still running high after a long political campaign. Are we really so small-minded in our churches and our worldviews that one little book should stir such controversy for a Christian publisher? If we are to be like Jesus aren't we supposed to be 'out there' with those most unlike ourselves, caring for one another...not infighting and arguing about how appropriate it is for a publisher to publish a book?
Hang in there Marko! Read Mark's blog response here.
great blog - thanks for so much thinking out loud
a friend & i wrote the book you are talking about here. we are planning to launch a companion website in the next 10 days. The goal of the site is NOT to advocate for Obama, but rather to resource students & YMs as they reflect on what just happened, where our country may be headed and how the faith of our political leaders may or may not inspire us.
Would you possibly consider sharing a reflection of how the faith & politics intersects for you ? The idea behind this is to share a spectrum of politicians & activists, reflecting the broad spectrum of faithful citizens in our country.
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